jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010


1. At what gate in which famous tower was the ghost of Sir Thomas
Becket seen striking a wall with a crucifix?

The Traitors' Gate was the watergate entrance for prisoners condemned after trial at Westminster.
It dates from 1240 when Henry III enlarged the fortress by building extra defence works. There is a story that when the work was nearing completion on St George's day 1240 there was a great storm that resulted in the foundation's being undermined and this resulted in the gate collapsing. When the circumstances were repeated identically a year later an inquiry revealed that a priest claimed to have seen the ghost of Sir Thomas Becket striking the walls with a crucifix.

2. What are the nicknames of the following London football teams: Crystal Palace and West Ham?

The nickname of Crystal Palace is “ The Eagles” and the nicknames of West Ham are “ The Irons ” , “ The Hammers ” and “ The Academy of Football “.

3. What two tube stations beginning with a ‘w’ are best for going to the London Eye?

The name of the two stations are: Waterloo and Westminster.

4. Name the dinosaur that lived in England in the Middle Jurassic period,
which was carnivorous and could measure up to nine metres long.

The name of the dinosaur is Megalosaurus.

5. What is the name of the pub in the London soap opera ‘Eastenders’?

The name of the pub in the London is the Queen Vic.

6. What is ‘Kew Gardens’ and where can you find it?

Kew is helping to restore plant life and native habitats on remote islands in the Indian Ocean. A Kew scientist is spending two weeks on a ship to explore the status of plant life on islands of the Chagos Archipelago and help restore native habitats. Some areas have not been visited by botanists for more than 30 years.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Let me talk about my life

Name: Natalia Gasol
Age: 14

Things I've done:
· I have travelled to America
· I have played the piano.
· I have eaten an apple.
· I have learned to play piano
· I have played football.

Things I haven't done:
· I haven't been to Japan.
· I haven't sung a song.
· I haven't spelt a very long word.
· I haven't made a monument.
· I haven't been burgee-jumping.

Name: Ariadna Oliveros
Age: 14

Things I've done:
· I have travelled to Madrid.
· I have painted a lot of pictures.
· I have eaten Chinese food.
· I have learned in English class.
· I have sung a long song.

Things I haven't done:
· I haven't studied for the exam.
· I haven't haven't won the game.
· I haven't slept.
. I haven't flown.
· I haven't eaten Mexican food.

martes, 5 de enero de 2010

In Spain on Christmas the people re-join with his families to celebrate Jesus’ birth and also to celebrate the end of the year.
They ate meat of pigs, chickens, expensive fish... They drank champagne, wine. For dessert they ate nougat, biscuits...
Santa Claus gave presents to the children.

This year Natàlia stayed at home some of days of the holidays. Sometimes she went out with her friends. Sometimes she ate with her family. For the end of the year, she went out for some of her friends. Natalia received a lot of presents of her family.

This year Ariadna went to his uncle’s house to received her presents of “Santa Claus”. On Christmas her family went to ate on her house. They ate a delicious menu. For the end of the year her parents and she went to a friend’s house to ate a lot of grape. Some days she went out with her friends.